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Stella Mitchell
Nascido emCalifornia
57 years
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Laura Donifio La Biblia trae mucho consuelo February 24, 2015
Siento l mucho tan terrible perdida

Toda persona que cree en Dios cree en la Biblia,este mensaje tiene un contenido de esperanza y de paz interna,en su ejemplar de la Biblia en el capitulo 5 versiculo 28 y 29 dice: No se maravillen de esto porque  todos los que estan en las tumbas conmemorativas escucharan su voz,la del Señor jesucristo y saldran¡¡¡¡¡

Este pasaje habla de la resurreccion de  nuestros seres queridos, no es el plan de Dios vernos sufrir y morir,`por lo que El extiende esta invitacion a nosotros ¨Acerquensen a Dios y El se acercara a ustedes¨¨

Poe fabor vaya al siguiente enlace para obtener mas informacion sobre la esperanza expresada en este pasaje,y de nuevo siento su perdida

J.  W. ORG. 
Anna (Woodall) Caldwell Friend and co worker March 4, 2009
Oh, Stella, you are such a force.  Your smile was so beautiful it was the window to your heart.  You have always made me laugh no matter what!   You have and will continue to touch so many in such a positive way.   I love you, you are in my heart as is your family.   Anna
kathryn a. daniel Friend and Tooster's Godmother March 4, 2009
Stella, girlfriend, what can I say that wasn't said yesterday at church?  You are truly someone who counted in my life.  You were always there for me, even though you were sick, tired, or busy, you made time.  This world was such a better place with you in it. . . we have to just hold on to all the wonderful memories we have created with you.  I love you, and I promise to check in on your boys, Kathy 
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